Request a Literature Search

Do you need some evidence to support a research project, service improvement, patient care query or teaching session?

A literature search service is available to all staff – if you complete the form below, we will get the results back to you by your specified deadline.

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    Please supply as much information as possible

    Request title: Explain precisely what you require. If appropriate, please specify population, exposure and outcome measures of interest

    Alternative Terminology: Please give any alternative terminology, including keywords, phrases, synonyms, acronyms, international spellings etc.

    Topics to exclude: Please list any topics you would like us to exclude from the results.

    What is the background to this search? How will the results impact on your work?

    Study design/article type - eg Reviews, Meta-analysis, RCT's, case studies etc.


    English onlyAll

    Age Groups

    All13-18 years19-65 years66-79 years80 years and over

    Limit to UK Studies only?

    Existing publications - please give details of any publications on this topic of which you are already aware

    Date results are required by

    Number of results required - how many references do you need/expect?

    It is useful for the library service to know how the results of literature searches are used. Please indicate you reason for requesting this search

    Results of database and/or internet searches are subject to the limitations of the database(s) and websites searched. Results of searches are also limited by your search request. It is the responsibility of the the requestor to determine the accuracy, validity and interpretation of the search results.

    Please tick the box below to acknowledge that you have read the disclaimer and that you acknowledge the limitations of database/internet searching.

    I agree

    Literature search results may be made available to all BSMHFT in order to promote an active community of research.

    If there is a reason why this research should not be shared with others (e.g. sensitive/personal topic) please indicate below.
    NB: Details of your search and a copy of your results will be retained for library records.

    Select an option

    I am happy for my literature search results to be shared with colleagues.I do not want to share my literature search results with colleagues.

    If you have indicated that you are happy for us to share your literature results, are you happy for us to share your name and email address with colleagues or would you prefer to remain anonymous?

    I am happy for you to share my contact details with BSMHFT colleagues.I would prefer to remain anonymous - do not share my details.

    NB: We advise you take a copy of this form before pressing 'Send' in case of delivery and/or receipt issues