Supporting the Recovery College

The library service has worked with experts by experience (service users with a lived experience of mental health issues) to deliver the Reading and Research for Recovery course at the Recovery College. Evaluations have shown that attendees have found this useful to signpost them to good quality information sources to help them find relevant information to help them with their recovery. If you are a member of staff, carer or service user, you can attend this recovery college course. Further information can be found here

Accessing resources

We have purchased several resources for reference such as  “A research handbook for patient and public involvement researchers“, edited by: Penny Bee, Helen Brooks, Patrick Callaghan and Karina Lovell.  The title is also available as free online e-book and can be accessed via Manchester University Press website.

About this title: 

[taken from the ‘Forward’ (p.4) and ‘How this book came about’ (p.7) sections].
This handbook is written for patients and members of the public who want to understand more about the approaches, methods and language used by health-services researchers. Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research is now a requirement of most major health-research programmes, and this book is designed to equip these individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for meaningful participation. Edited by award-winning mental-health researchers, the book has been produced in partnership with mental-health-service users and carers with experience of research involvement.

This book was developed during a five-year research programme funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). This study aimed to improve service user and carer involvement in care planning in mental health services. The study was called Enhancing the Quality of User Involved Care Planning in Mental Health Services (EQUIP).

This book has been made available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND)  licence which permits non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction provided the  editor(s), chapter author(s) and Manchester University Press are fully cited. Full licence available here:

You can view a list of Reading Well books, as recommended by the Reading Agency;  they are available for reference in our libraries but are available for loan from Birmingham or Solihull Public Libraries.

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