Request research support

Assisted Literature Searches
Our knowledgeable and experienced librarians can help you scope out whether there are any existing studies linked to your research idea.

Once you have confirmed your research question, arrange a one-to-one or group session to help you refine your search strategy. This is particularly important if you are conducting a systematic review to make sure your search is comprehensive.

The library also runs a programme of taught sessions on literature searching, and provides a range of material to support self-directed learning.

Obtaining Articles
Once you’ve conducted your search, you’ll want to read the full text of the references.

We have access a wide selection of online journals that can be accessed via your OpenAthens account. You can self-register for an OpenAthens – If you are affiliated to a university you may be eligible to access their resources too.

The library also provides a document supply service and can obtain the full text of any articles or books you need that are not available online. Log in to our system, BASEdoc, to request full text articles.

This is a free service, with the exception of articles from the British Library for which there is a limit per individual; please contact the library for more information and consider including these costs into any research grant applications you submit.

Data Analysis
The libraries at Barberry and Uffculme have SPSS and Nvivo software installed on a couple of the computers – contact your preferred library if you would like to book one of these for a specified day or time.

Further Reading
The library has a wide range of books on research design, methodologies, in addition to manuals on using SPSS.   To search the full library catalogue, visit:

Getting Published
Once you’ve completed your research and written it up, please do let us know if you publish your findings in a journal, or present it at a conference so that we can help promote it and add it to the Trust publication database

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